App to get help with a decision by sending photos to friends. Friends can vote on the photos and help you decide.
Name: App
Role: Fullstack
Application Platform: Mobile App
Technologies: TypeScript, Ionic (Frontend), ReactJS (Frontend), ExpressJS (Backend API), Firebase (Push Notifications), Social Login (Google, Facebook, Apple), PubNub (Chat), AWS S3 (Storage), AWS SES (Email), AWS Lambda (ExpressJS), AWS API Gateway (ExpressJS), AWS CloudWatch Logs, MongoDB Atlas (NoSQL)
Functionalities: Authentication, Push Notifications, Chat, Make Polls, Like Polls, Stories, Upload Profile Picture, Edit Profile, Change Password, Forgot Password, Email Verification
Name: Admin Panel
Role: Fullstack
Application Platform: Web App
Technologies: JavaScript, ReactJS (Frontend), ExpressJS (Backend API), AWS S3 (Storage), AWS SES (Email), AWS Lambda (ExpressJS), AWS API Gateway (ExpressJS), AWS CloudWatch Logs, MongoDB Atlas (NoSQL)
Functionalities: Authentication, User Management, Content Management, Change Password, Forgot Password, Email Verification