QD Meds

An E-commerce platform for medicines and health products. Users can see products, categories, subcategories, add products to cart and checkout. Users can book tests, see test results, upload prescriptions. Users can see order history and notifications. Users can pay using Paytm. Users get SMS notifications for order status. Admin can manage categories, products, orders, tests. Admin can see user details, order details, test details.

Name: Backend API
Role: Backend
Application Platform: API
Technologies: TypeScript, ExpressJS (Backend API), Firebase (Push Notifications), JWT (Authentication), BulkSMSPlans (SMS), PM2 (Process Manager), AWS EC2 (Server + Database + Deployment), AWS API Gateway (API Management), AWS S3 (Storage), Paytm (Payment Gateway)
Functionalities: Authentication, Edit Profile, Change Password, Forgot Password, Email Verification, Push Notifications, See Products, Categories, Subcategories, Add Products to Cart and Checkout, Notifications, Order History, Payment Gateway Integration, SMS Notifications, Admin Panel APIs, User Panel APIs, Upload prescriptions
Name: Admin Panel
Role: Fullstack
Application Platform: Web App
Technologies: TypeScript, ReactJS (Frontend), CoreUI (Admin Template), AWS S3 + CloudFront + Route53 (Deployment)
Functionalities: Authentication, Category Management, Product Management, Order Management, Tests Management, Change Password, Forgot Password, Email Verification